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How the FTC's proposed COPPA Rule changes could impact the video game industry  

Daily Journal 
January 29, 2024

Stacey Chuvaieva authored the article, "How the FTC's proposed COPPA Rule changes could impact the video game industry," published by the Daily Journal on January 29, 2024. 

From the article... 

That said, even though whether or not a website should be considered "directed to children' for purposes of the COPPA Rule has not become much clearer, video game companies need to be aware of the inherent risk of being considered an online service targeting children due to the nature of the product and consider implementing age-gating where possible. The COPPA Rule still contains an "age-gating exception" for businesses that are directed at children but do not target children, do not collect children's data before age-gating, and "prevent the collection, use, or disclosure of personal information from visitors who identify themselves as under age 13."

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