Melanie Figueroa Named to Corporate Counsel and InsideCounsel's list of "2018 National Women in Law"
Melanie Figueroa, Managing Partner of MSK's New York Office, has been named by Corporate Counsel and InsideCounsel to the list of honorees for the 2018 National Women in Law, published on August 13, 2018. This honors general counsel, in-house leaders and law firm partners who have demonstrated a commitment to advancing the empowerment of women in law.
From Corporate Counsel and InsideCounsel:
"With these awards, we want to spotlight North American women in-house and law firm leaders who have demonstrated extraordinary leadership and business acumen as they have guided their organizations through often treacherous roads to achieve success. These women stand out because they are business strategists, complex problem-solvers, and of course, great lawyers. And as important (especially to them) is that they are great people-leaders—they care more about the success of the team than their individual success."