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Facial Recognition Technology: Friend or Foe?

2019 CAA Winter Convention | The Fairmont Nob Hill I San Francisco, CA
December 7, 2019

Jean Nogues will be speaking on the panel "Facial Recognition Technology: FRIEND or FOE?" at the 2019 CAA Winter Convention, taking place on December 7, 2019 at The Fairmont in San Francisco, CA.

The California Alarm Association or CAA manages and develops programs that promote the growth of professionalism in the electronic security industry throughout the state of California. The 2019 CAA Winter Convention brings the industry and the leadership of the Associations together, as well as promotes professional development, and serves as a networking and educational forum.

Panel Information:

10:00 a.m. – 11:30 a.m.


Facial Recognition Technology: FRIEND or FOE?

Where will this powerful technology take us in 2020?

Video Surveillance and Facial Recognition are a powerful combination for electronic security technologies because their blend enhances visual security, access control, guard force efficiency and identity management in public and private applications. The potential use of facial recognition for identifying persons creates a debate that has left the project development offices and entered the public domain. It’s important for the industry to educate the legal community and policymakers at all levels of the government on how facial recognition improves public safety and creates no inherent threat of unjust or wrongful identifications and prosecutions. If its legitimate uses in our industry are not defended with proper education efforts, the use of the technology might be thrown out by judges and legislation blocking it’s use in broader applications. Attendees will be on the front lines of this dynamic 21st century technology explosion room and hear the advantages and potential pitfalls from experts with credentials to give significant value to this hour-long session.  

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