The Business Advisor’s Guide to Making Sense of Recent Trade Tariffs
August 2, 2018
12:30 PM - 1:30 PM (EDT)
Su Ross will be presenting via webinar for all TAG Alliance Members on "Talking Tariffs: The Business Advisor’s Guide to Making Sense of Recent Trade Tariffs and How They Impact Clients." This webinar will begin at 12:30 PM (EDT) on Thursday, August 2, 2018.
In this webinar the speakers will discuss the recent trade tariffs imposed by the United States. Additionally, attendees will be able to interact and ask questions.
- Susan Kohn Ross; Mitchell Silberberg & Knupp (Los Angeles, CA, USA - TAGLaw)
- John Hove; Scopelitis, Garvin, Light, Hanson & Feary, P.C (TAG-SP)
Topics include:
- Increased tariffs on Steel (25%) & Aluminum (10%) under Section 232 – understanding impacts to the commodities affected and the overall trade environment.
- Newly imposed tariffs on Chinese goods under Section 301 – how intellectual property rights and various business practices are targeted.
- Where do things stand with the threatened 232 tariffs on autos and auto parts?
- The potential impact of countermeasures resulting from these tariffs.
- How to manage the rapidly changing trade climate: Acting quickly to capture the tariff modifications; Proper reporting and handling of CF28s and CF29s; and Dealing with liability issues and quantifying your potential risk exposure.
Complimentary for all TAG Alliances Members.
Note: If you cannot attend the live call, you will receive a recording of the webinar if you register via the link above.